We’re excited to offer you this limited opportunity to Invest in MAGFAST and join our mission to change charging, for good.
To date, MAGFAST's customers and fans have invested over $9.2 million and our first products are getting rave reviews.
We're the all-time #1 company fundraising on Netcapital - learn more at:
As with all early stage companies, investing in MAGFAST is not suitable for everyone so please review the materials related to this offering carefully.
Why join 5,300+ investors?
Watch this short video:
Just have a few minutes?
Watch the video above and learn why you may decide to invest in MAGFAST.
Watch the POWER PIVOT 2 event replay
Watch the replay of the special November 21st livestreamed event.
Join our investors and key customers as founder and inventor Seymour Segnit unveils a new category-changing multi-patented technology 10 years in the making.
Be the first to see the next generation of products made possible by this tech.
Two of three previous investment offerings sold out. Find out why.
Investor perks

Investing in MAGFAST comes with perks! Perks are available for a limited time.
Invest today and get these investors only special perks.
Early Gen2 access & special pricing.
Lux Pro gift pack ($185 value) for every $1k invested.
Inclusion in the first production run.
$100 voucher of products for every $500 invested.
Your investor packet
Download this fast PDF overview of MAGFAST, our business, vision, people, products and finances.
Please take time to read this carefully. Investing in early stage companies is not suitable for everyone.
Your FAQ Packet
Download this quick PDF overview of MAGFAST, our business, people, products and finances.
Q&A Livestream
We'll be doing a deep dive on all the questions you send in during your Q&A livestream.
Please post your questions below now, and we'll add the replay of the Q&A Livestream here right after the broadcast.
How to invest with Netcapital
How to set up
your Netcapital account
In order to invest in MAGFAST, you’ll first need to set up an account with Netcapital, our SEC-approved investment portal. Please review this short video showing you just how easy it is.
Set up account now
How to update your
Netcapital account
If you already have a Netcapital account, you should be sure to check that your details are up-to-date before making an investment in MAGFAST. This short video shows you how.
Update account now
How to Invest in MAGFAST
If, after considering everything carefully, you decide that investing in MAGFAST is suitable for you, please review this short video showing you just how easy the investment process is at Netcapital.
Invest now
Any questions about the process of investing please reach out to Hello@Netcapital.com.