The MAGFAST Family Weekly Update #43 – Feb 2nd #WIP

 In do_cache, Updates

I’m doing a written-only update for you this week. The team are all heads-down working on the projects I’ll outline below and you’d be surprised how much bandwidth our simple weekly updates take by the time everyone has gathered, recorded, uploaded, staged to WordPress etc…

So here’s what we’re working on:

First, thank you to the (rather overwhelming number of) folks who volunteered to Beta test our new ‘Freemium & Gift Funnel’. That’s the program I’ve shown you where we’re going to test giving out some product for you to give to friends and family…

The main page is done as you’ve seen and we’re just finalizing some of the systems behind the scenes that do things like process credit cards when you pile in and choose some upgrades, and send out notifications to gift recipients. (Amazing how complicated it all gets. If, for instance, you send a MAGFAST gift to Susie, and she doesn’t respond after several emails from us, what should we do?)

Next we’re finalizing all the legal stuff around our Reg D 506(c) investment offering. As I mentioned in the last update SEC rules mean, frustratingly, that only certain ‘qualified’ individuals will be able to invest.

HOWEVER, the preparation for this has taken months and I’m incredibly proud of the presentation which goes over our products (of course) but also gives some real insight into the dynamics of the business. I hope you’ll take the time to watch because think you’ll really appreciate and enjoy it – whether or not you’re able to invest.

We’re also finalizing a fun referral program where with a few shares you can earn MAGFAST products – including a gorgeous Pro Kit. Again it sounds simple, but we have to have all the tracking in place so it works and accurately counts up all your credits.

Finally, product development continues on its sure, steady, infuriatingly slow pace. Like you I can’t wait to get MAGFAST in my hands. I’ve poured thousands of hours into MAGFAST and am itching to open the first box! But Shawn and his team at P3 together with our friends in Taiwan and China are adamant (and we agree) that getting everything right is way smarter than rushing. Fast or Lasting? 

We’re going for longevity and creating something you rightly feel proud you’ve chosen to support.

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